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Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to room type. Please check what room conditions may apply when selecting your room above.

  • The primary guest must be at least 18 years of age to check into this hotel.

  • As per Government regulations, it is mandatory for all guests above 18 years of age to carry a valid photo identity card & address proof at the time of check-in. In case, check-in is denied by the hotel due to lack of required documents, and one cannot claim for the refund & the booking will be considered as NO SHOW.

  • Unless mentioned, the tariff does not include charges for optional room services (such as telephone calls, room service, mini bar, snacks, laundry etc). In case, such additional charges are levied by the hotel, we shall not be held responsible for it.

  • In case of an increase in the hotel tariff (for During Special Events) the customer is liable to pay the difference if the stay period falls during these dates.


  • Invoice for hotel stay must be collected at the time of checkout, directly from the hotel

+91 9148712333

Saidatta Lodge Main Road, Opp. Navagraha Temple, Ganagapur Taluk, Afzalpur District, Gulbarga 585212

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